Recreation Vehicle Vibration Testing

Brinkley RV


Brinkley RV is a manufacturer of premium recreational vehicles, dedicated to providing an exceptional customer experience built on trust and quality.  

To ensure thorough quality testing for each vehicle leaving the plant, Brinkley needed a method of simulating road vibration. Criterion delivered and installed an easy-to-use vibration system capable of multiple testing protocols. This ensured that every Brinkley vehicle would deliver on their commitment to an exceptional customer experience.  


  • Reveals any assembly issues before shipping 
  • Custom profiles available at operator’s discretion 
  • Documentation of test results tracked to individual units 
  • In-ground design for easy roll on/off 
  • Individual platforms vibrate left and right independently 

unique features

  • Ability to simulate actual test track data 
  • Integration of hydraulic system 
  • Custom software to generate test programs