Barrel-Aged Beer Production

Founders Brewing


Founders Brewing is renowned for its high-quality craft beers. They have invested significantly in automation, but automating the filling and extraction of their barrel aged beer was a challenge they had yet to solve.  

Founders and Criterion collaborated to develop a solution, combining their areas of expertise. The automated system which Criterion provided has resulted in a significant reduction in labor and increase in beer per barrel production. It replaced a strenuous manual process with a fully automated system.  


  • Reduced operator labor and skill requirements 
  • Extracted additional 2-3 gallons per barrel  
  • More streamlined process 

unique features

  • Washdown-rated construction 
  • Tipping conveyor to extract extra liquid 
  • IR lights and vision to determine drilling locations 
  • Dual purpose system for filling and extracting liquid from barrels 
  • Two-up fixtures for multiple simultaneous operations 
  • Ability to run a CIP tank through system for cleaning